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Zobrazujú sa príspevky z dátumu apríla 9, 2014

...krasny svedsky byt / wonderful swedish apartment

Na dnes som sa rozhodla Vam priniest byt, ktory je v ponuke od Alvhemmakleri. Je to krasny, velmi mily byt, v ktorom mal zaujala podlaha, tak je fakt krasna...:) vysoke stropy a krasne dvere, nadherny nabytok a dokonale vyuzity priestor, radost pozerat a este radsej byvat :) Prajem krasny den! Vasa Lucia Albertine * I have decided to show you one nice apartment which is in offer of Alvhemmakleri. It is so lovely and cozy flat with wonderful floor, high ceiling and beautiful doors, stunning furniture with lovely space, really I would like to live there...:) Have a nice day! Your Lucia Albertine Images via Alvhemmakleri plants in the interior / ....zelene rastliny v interieri

Tento post je pre vsetkych, ktori maju radi zelene rastliny v domacnosti ( pozdravujem Evicku ), staci dobre umiestnenie a hned je krasa na svete, pripajam aj niekolko inspiracii a dobrych napadov kde a ako umiestnit vase kvety... Prajem krasny aj ked zamraceny den! Vasa Lucia Albertine * This post is for everyone who loves green plants in the interior, I think it is neccessary to find good and right place and the flowers are gratefully, you can find some good inspirations and ideas in the images below... Have a nice day! Your Lucia Albertine Images via Skonahem, Pinterest